
How does oligomeric isomaltose help diabetic patients control blood sugar?

Publish Time: 2024-03-14
Oligomeric isomaltose is an oligosaccharide with special physiological functions, which can assist diabetic patients in controlling blood sugar. Here are a few ways it can help diabetics control their blood sugar:
Low Glycemic Index: As a low-glycemic index food, Oligomeric isomaltose releases glucose more slowly during digestion and does not cause rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels. This allows diabetic patients to have a slower rise in blood sugar after consumption, helping to avoid blood sugar control difficulties caused by sharp fluctuations in blood sugar.
Reduce blood sugar peaks: The intake of oligomeric isomaltose can slow down the rise of blood sugar and reduce the height of blood sugar peaks. This is very important for diabetics, as excessive blood sugar spikes may lead to the occurrence and exacerbation of diabetic complications.
Promotes insulin sensitivity: Some research suggests that the intake of oligomeric isomaltose may help increase the sensitivity of tissue cells to insulin and promote the effective use of insulin. For people with diabetes, this means their own insulin can be used more efficiently, helping to lower blood sugar levels.
Increase satiety: Oligomeric isomaltose has a high osmotic pressure in the intestines, which can attract water and form colloids in the gastrointestinal tract, prolonging the residence time in the stomach and increasing the feeling of satiety. This helps control appetite and reduce food intake, thereby reducing the rise in blood sugar.
Improve intestinal flora: Oligomeric isomaltose, as a prebiotic, can promote the growth and reproduction of beneficial flora in the intestine and improve the balance of intestinal microecology. This is beneficial for diabetics because good gut flora helps regulate blood sugar metabolism and improves insulin sensitivity.
In general, Oligomeric isomaltose can help diabetic patients control blood sugar to a certain extent by lowering the glycemic index, lowering blood sugar peaks, promoting insulin sensitivity, increasing satiety, and improving intestinal flora, but it still needs to be combined in a reasonable manner. Diet and lifestyle management to achieve better results. It is recommended that patients consult a doctor or nutritionist before consuming Oligomeric isomaltose.

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